miercuri, 16 martie 2011

Beginning Joomla! Second Edition Free Download

Joomla!, exclamation point and all, is one of the most searched?for and hired?for open source content management systems in the world. Since 2007, the combination of Joomla! and Dan Rahmel?s bestselling Beginning Joomla!, From Novice to Professional have made it so that all you have to do is read a single book to learn how to build sites that take community?authored content and turn it instantly into published web pages with all the latest features like rich templating, community member profile management, forums, photo management, and article commenting.

Now revised and updated for the new Joomla! 1.6, this second edition ?job?in?a?book? provides the solid core of know?how that you?ll need to get the most out of your Joomla! deployment, written to fully exploit the features of latest version of Joomla!. More than just a simple ?build a toy web site? guide, Beginning Joomla!, Second Edition will give you a wealth of life?saving tips, tricks, tools, and fixes that experienced Joomla! developers use to build powerful, popular web sites while avoiding major headaches.

Download here:

Joomla! Web Security by Tom Canavan Free

Joomla! is one of the most powerful open-source content management systems used to build websites and other powerful online applications. While Joomla! itself is inherently safe, misconfigurations, vulnerable components, poorly configured hosts, and weak passwords can all contribute to the downfall of your site. So, you need to know how to secure your website from security threats.

Today every website needs to take security into consideration. Using the knowledge here, your Joomla! site can be ahead of the security threats so prevalent today.

This book will take you all the way from the most basic steps of preparation to the nuts and bolts of actual protection. It is packed full of relevant and real-world topics such as security tools, configuration suggestions, setting up your test and development environment, reading and interpreting log files, and techniques used by bad hackers on the Internet. In addition to this you will learn how to respond to a site emergency should one occur and how to collect the evidence needed to pursue law enforcement action. The book provides a concise overview of all the parts needed to construct a defence-in-depth strategy for your Joomla! site.

At the end of the book you will have a solid security foundation to take your Joomla! website to a higher level of security than the basic site setup.

What you will learn from this book?
This book covers:

* Implementing steps for successful Joomla! website architecture
* Setting up metrics to measure security
* Exploring the test and development environment; developing your test plan to make sure everything will work as planned
* Utilizing your test and development site for disaster recovery
* Measuring the performance of your software development projects using a software development management system
* Exploring several tools to help protect your website
* Diving into security vulnerabilities: why they exist; some typical counter measures
* Exploring SQL Injections – how they can hurt you and how to prevent them
* Mastering the two important security layers – php.ini and .htaccess
* Reading and analyzing logs relevant to protecting your Joomla! site
* Handling Security Incidents in a professional manner
* Blocking nuisance IP addresses


This book will give you a strong, hands-on approach to security. It starts out with the most basic of considerations such as choosing the right hosting sites then moves quickly into securing the Joomla! site and servers. This is a security handbook for Joomla! sites. It is an easy-to-use guide that will take you step by step into the world of secured websites.

Who this book is written for?

This book is a must-read for anyone seriously using Joomla! for any kind of business, ranging from small retailers to larger businesses. With this book they will be able to secure their sites, understand the attackers, and more, without the drudging task of looking up in forums, only to be flamed, or not even find the answers.

Prior knowledge of Joomla! is expected but no prior knowledge of securing websites is needed for this book. The reader will gain a moderate to strong level of knowledge on strengthening their sites against hackers.

About the Author

Tom Canavan

A twenty-three year veteran of the Computer Business, and a Data Center Technology Consultant to Fortune-1000 Companies, Tom Canavan is a Certified Ethical Hacker and has a degree in Robotics and Numerical Control. He is author of the book Dodging the Bullets – A Disaster Preparation Guide for Joomla! Based Websites.

Download here:

MyHotel – Joomla 1.6 Template for Hotel Website Free

myHotel is the perfect free solution for your Hotel’s online profile. compatible with Joomla 1.6 and has all the features what a hotel website may need such as: customizable logo and header picture, multiple collapsible modules where you can set up your offers, place news module or gallery modules, good for client’s testimonials etc.

The menu at the left side of the header picture is designed to fly out from left to right, The main content are is based on 3 columns and it’s seo ready, so you not only will have a great online presence with this template, but will make it possible for search engines to find your site and got new clients searching on google, yahoo or msn.

Download here :

PJ Deep Impact – Joomla Templates Free Download

PJ Deep Impact is the first J!1.6 native PJ Club Template. Finally!

The wait is over – Joomla! 1.6 is finally out, and our first offering for the Joomla! 1.6 platform is here, ready to make its mark. Color, beauty, functionality – this is the total package. With such features as 5-column layout, fixed or fluid width and virtually unlimited module positions – Arise continues the PJ tradition of being among the most flexible J! templates available today.

Features: * Table-less design, * Valid CSS, * Fixed or Fluid Width,* SuperFish & Flyout Menu Systems,* Easy List Columnizer,* Zoombox,* Lazy-Load for Images,* Columnizing Module Zones,* Social Media Linker,* 15+ Module Styles.

Download here :

Image Slider with Unique Effects Joomla Module- Coinslider

COIN SLIDER Joomla Module is based on the Jquery Image Slider with Unique Effects script described in the Ivan Lazarevic, and implements a slider image gallery with several slide transition graphical effects. Coin Slider script is available free under MIT licence.

Features: * images folder, * max 12 images, * gallery parameters: width, height and position (left or centered), * image parameters:teaser text, teaser background colorand text color, url link and target.

SEO and security for Joomla -sh404SEF v2.2.3.945

As the most popular Joomla extension for URL management with more than 80% of the market share, and an ‘Editors Pick’ on the Joomla Extensions Directory, sh404SEF is the most reliable and most trusted tool for maximizing the potential of your Joomla site.


[2011-03-12] Version

[new] Additionnal configuration data can now optionnally be read from a
central configuration file, to make sure latest information is
always used
[new] Google tracking variables (utm_xxx) are now filtered out before
trying to find a match for custom page title or meta data.
[new] Backend icon module now also displays a message when sh404SEF is
up to date
Tracker #335
[bug] Pagination footer does not work after using the ajax Save button
on Title and metas manager
[new] Reworked short urls system, now called shURL, faster and shorter.
Can be created without having to purge existing SEF urls.
Prevent collisions with existing SEF or aliases, bad words
[bug] Issue with arrays in urls, when using only non-sef urls
[bug] shURL manager preview links do not work when SEF urls have been
[new] Added shortlinks tag configuration page
[chg] pageId are now shURL!!
[bug] Malformed html when editing a URL
[new] Added SEF urls for user profile in kunena 1.6.x plugin
Tracker #332
[new] Now reset base tag, as Joomla! does not handle UTF-8 urls
[new] Automatic rel canonical handling for products in multiple
categories in Virtuemart
[chg] Docman plugins now default to non-sef for unknown tasks (failsafe
for future evolutions of Docman)
[bug] Using a string with a $ for description or keywords tag may cause
description or keyword to be empty
Tracker #330
[new] Added rel canonical tag handling
Fixed issue with “Read more” title insertion when titles have $
sign in them
[chg] Added protection against non-sef urls missing ‘option’ var when
selecting SEF url plugin
[new] Start using simplified database helper
[chg] Version checker can now handle multiple version file servers

Download here :

marți, 15 martie 2011

Despre predictii pentru fotbal si rezultate live

* Acest articol este un articol promotional!

Exista o multime de posibilitati sa realizezi o predictie a unui meci de fotbal, fiecare tipster are propiile metode,dar in mare parte, toate au aceleasi elemente cheie descrise mai jos.

De mentionat este ca fiecare divizie in parte, se bazeaza mai mult pe unele fapte decat de celelalte.

1 - Echipele Si informatiile despre ele

Este factorul cheie, baza altor capitole din a scrie o predictie de fotbal.
In primul rand orice parior ar trebui sa aibe acces la informatiile despre echipe,lotul de jucatorii,jucatorii accidentati sau cei suspendati,deoarece,nici o echipa din lume nu este atat de perfecta pentru a avea rezervele la valoarea jucatoriilor normali din primul 11.

Cu toate acestea,ar trebui sa va ganditi si la jucatorii ce ii inlocuiesc in meciul respectiv pe cei accidentati sau suspendati,s-ar putea sa fie jucatorii de mare perspectiva,tinerii care doresc sa se afirme sau s-ar putea sa fie jucatorii batranii, fara nume,dar cu experienta necesara sa realizeze ce le cere antrenorul.
Urmatiri rezultate scoruri live (sau scorurile live) pe parcursul mai multor meciuri.

2. Motivatia jucatoriilor,este un subcapitol la cel de sus,stim ca de fiecare data cand joaca o echipa mare,in fata propiilor suporterii,impotriva unei echipe modeste,jucatorii acestei echipe incearca sa dea tot ce este mai bun din ei,pentru a se remarca. Jucatorii devin motivati in situatii cand joaca inlocuind pe cineva,cand stiu ca li s-a semnat un contract nou sau cand joaca impotriva unor echipe cu nume si cand joaca pentru a-si mentine pozitia actuala in clasament.

3. Moralul este un alt factor cheie,sunt unele echipe ce vin dupa o serie mare de victorii cu moral superb,dar sunt altele care joaca prost,in care relatiile de joc intre jucatorii sunt slabe,sau vor sa demonstreze ca nu pot juca asa.

Oboseala jucatoriilor,mai ales in campionatele puternice,unde echipele sunt angrenate atat in lupta pentru titlu,cupa si cupe europene.Se pot des provoca surprize,din partea mariilor echipe pe baza oboselii.

4. Tactica antrenorului,este esentiala,in alegerea unui castigator,sunt anumite echipe ce vin sa se apere in deplasare,cu orice pret pentru a obtine puncte,iar acasa lasa un joc deschis,deoarece se bazeaza pe faptul ca sunt Gazde. Sunt fel si fel de antrenorii,cu fel si fel de tactici,care trebuie analizate,jocul pe contre,sau pe flancuri,este bun impotriva celor ce nu au aparare solida si rapida,pe flancuri,si in care fundasii centralii nu au o inaltime destul de mare.

5. Starea gazonului si conditiile meteo,acest factor este unul important pentru cei ce pariaza under/over
Informatiile despre starea vremii sunt esentiale,de exemplu in anglia,mai ales in diviziile inferioare,starea gazonului variaza in functie de vreme,iar pe un teren prost,nu se poate combina,mai ales daca echipele au playmakeri slabi.

Daca pariati live, folositi neaparat siteuri de predictii fotbal in care puteti urmari rezulate si scoruri live pentru a putea aprecia in mod dinamic sansa pariului.

Intr-o predictie de fotbal, factorul de noroc este aproape de "0", fiecare pariu gresit este vina tipsterului, sau a pariorului, iar cand gresesti,primul lucru care trebuie sa il faci este sa analizezi de ce ai pierdut : "Afla cauza pentru a inlatura efectul". Urmariti predictii fotbal .