miercuri, 29 decembrie 2010

De ce sa cumparati o BANDA de ALERGARE?

Progresul tehnologiei combinat cu costurile de productie reduse ? toate acestea va spun ca puteti acum sa cumparati o banda de alergare pentru uz la domiciliu cu control gradient, cu programe presetate si o functionare care este extrem de apropiata de benzile de alergare comerciale de calitate pentru mai putin de 1000Euro!

Ceea ce este foarte bine, pentru ca alergatul si urcatul dealurilor reprezinta forme foarte bune de antrenament cardiovascular si ambele sunt eficiente atat in controlul greutatii cat si in reducerea grasimii din corp. O banda buna de alergare poate oferi un nivel de amortizare atat de ridicat incat face ca cei mai exotici pantofi de sport sa dea senzatia unui flip-flop, fara sa trebuiasca sa cauti rutele fara trafic si poluare, dar sigure, mai ales pentru femei in serile de iarna.

Dar benzile de alergare presupun o tehnologie mai complexa decat celelalte tipuri de echipament? (cum ar fi cross trainers (bicicletele), ceea ce inseamna ca trebuie sa te gandesti bine inainte de a te repezi sa cumperi acel produs)

Foarte important cand cumparati o banda de alergare:

Asigurati-va ca banda de alergare se vinde impreuna cu o garantie a service-ului, pentru ca multe marci de import se vand doar cu garantia pieselor (doar nu vreti sa schimbati un nou motor chiar d-voastra, etc). Asigurati-va ca garantia nu se ofera cu intoarcerea la baza (d-voastra platiti transportul), intrebati daca inginerul vine la d-voastra acasa sa faca reparatia.

Este important sa cumparati un produs cu nume de marca cunoscut “high street” pentru care se ofera service adecvat in toata tara. Astfel, daca vanzatorul cu amanuntul dispare, garantia d-voastra este totusi valabila la producator. Acum multi producatori ofera garantii pentru toata viata aparatului pentru motor si o garantie prelungita pentru structura si componente.

* Dimensiuni generale – Verificati daca se incadreaza in locul in care doriti sa-l puneti (langa o sursa de energie) cu destul loc pentru a va urca si coborati de pe aparat. Daca locul este mic, ganditi-va si la benzile de alergare rabatabile.
* Puterea motorului – Ar trebui sa aiba cel putin 2.0 cai putere si sa aiba un bun efort de torsiune (la viteze foarte mici, cureaua nu trebuie sa incetineasca cand pasiti pe ea)
* Amortizarea si stabilitatea benzii – Cum te simti cand alergi pe banda de alergare? O banda buna de alergare ar trebui sa ofere o amortizare excelenta, dar sa nu scuture, sa nu agite, sa nu faca zgomote sau sa vibreze la fiecare pas.
* Cureaua sau banda de rulare – verificati daca banda este destul de lata (se recomanda de la 40cm in sus) si destul de lunga pentru a se adapta stilului d-voastra de alergat fara sa aveti crampe si sa se miste lin pentru punte, chiar si cand mergeti la viteza mica.
* Viteza maxima – Asigurati-va ca este cu cel putin 3Km/ora mai mare decat pasul d-voastra obisnuit de alergat? pentru ca motoarele benzilor de alergare care sunt folosite la viteze maxime pe perioade lungi nu vor rezista prea mult.
* Gradientul maxim (inclinarea) -? Gradiente maxime mai mari, de ex. 12%+ sunt folositoare pentru exercitiile de mers. Mai verificati si cat de repede se schimba gradientul cand apasati butonul!
* Pupitru feedback si usurinta utilizarii – cat de clare si inteligibile sunt informatiile de pe afisaj? Cat de usor este accesul la programe (daca exista)? Daca sunt butoanele destul de vizibile si usor de folosit?
* Programele – multe benzi de alergare ofera antrenamente la intervale anume, curse de alergat in panta sau va dau posibilitatea sa va creati propriul d-voastra program de alergat/ mers. Unele mai afiseaza si controlul ritmului cardiac.
* Zgomotul – cat de zgomotoasa este banda de alergat mai ales la viteze mai mari? Benzile de alergare mai silentioase de obicei au un standard mai ridicat de structura si motor.
* Rabatarea – Se rabateaza banda de alergare pentru a putea fi depozitata?
* Standardul structurii – Structurile sudate sunt mai bune decat structurile prinse cu suruburi (suruburile se pot desprinde sub presiune si greutate mare) iar banda de alergare nu trebuie sa se scuture vizibil cand calcati pe ea (este semnul unei constructii fragile)!

duminică, 12 decembrie 2010

JS Yahoo!Weather - New modules

Our free weather module it's based on Yahoo!Weather RSS Feed which enables you to get up-to-date weather information for your location.
For the Weather RSS feed there are two parameters:
- WOEID for Where On Earth Identifiers
- UNITS for degrees units (Fahrenheit or Celsius).

RSS Response
The Weather RSS feed is an XML document that conforms to the RSS 2.0 specification. RSS is an XML document containing a single channel element representing the feed, several elements containing metadata about the feed itself, and one or more item elements describing individual items within the feed.

Yahoo Terms of Use
“The feeds are provided free of charge for use by individuals and non-profit organizations for personal, non-commercial uses. We ask that you provide attribution to Yahoo! Weather in connection with your use of the feeds.
If you provide this attribution in text, please use: "Yahoo! Weather." If you provide this attribution with a graphic, please use the Yahoo! Weather logo that we have included in the feed itself.
We reserve all rights in and to the Yahoo! Weather logo, and your right to use the Yahoo! Weather logo is limited to providing attribution in connection with these RSS feeds.
Yahoo! also reserves the right to require you to cease distributing these feeds at any time for any reason.”

sâmbătă, 11 decembrie 2010

Membresia Digitals 2 Go Mauricio Duque

Membresía por un año seminarios y video manuales sobre como implementar Internet como plataforma de negocios.

Check it out!

53 Fixing Your Custom Joomla Template -part 3

A short tutorial on some of the things to do to fix up a custom joomla template
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Joomla Tutorials for editing and maintaining your website through your Joomla content management system
Video Rating: 5 / 5

View the original article here

20+ fresh jQuery Animation Tutorials

Posted on 02 December 2010.

jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that makes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. In older days when people see something animated on website they will categorized the website as a flash website. But now because of jquery animations many people thinks that there is no need of flash when jQuery contains such an amazing animation effect which are very light in weight in comparison of flash. However if you are a begginer designer and want to learn new techniques of jquery then this post is for you because it contains 20+ fresh and awesome jquery animation tutorials.

It’s a cartoon themed landscape with elements which slide out to reveal additional content. The screenshot below demonstrates the layout when fully expanded.

View Tutorial

Gaya Kessler features a beautiful animation effect of puffing smoke in this tutorial. Demo and of this tutorial is shown on the header of Gaya’s own site.

In older days people have just used a form element for standard drop downs, but nowadays with minimal effort you can create a much slicker effect using jQuery and CSS.

After learning this tutorial you can understand how you can make BBC Radio 1 Zoom Tabs like effect where the mouse rolls over the image block, tabs slide up and the image zooms a little to reveal more of the picture.

In this tutorial we show some extra ordinary animation effects using jparllax. Now you can make your header images moving on the response of your mouse without flash. See this tutorial and learn how they can do it.

We make animated cartoon robot in this tutorial by using jquery. Now you can wonder how is it done so for your information,This project was created by layering several empty divs over each other with transparent PNGs as background images.

To create a slick Auto-Playing Featured content slider we use jquery Coda Slider plugin. It is just kind of a fun way to show lots of content in a small area.

In this tutorial you can learn how to create sliding boxes and captions coding jquery. Sliding box animations work on the same basic idea. There is a div tag that essentially acts as a window where two other items of your choosing “peek” through.

On many websites you should see the images moving continously and automatically. Now with this tutorial you can learn how it is done by using jquery.

Now with jquery creating a real like hover effect is not more difficult. In this tutorial you should learn how to create hover effects by coding simple jquery.

The jQuery UI Effects Core brings a few more advanced animation techniques to the design table. This tutorial will give you a complete example of how to use each effect (with an inline demo).

In this tutorial, you can learn how to make scrolling cloud effect using jquery and jparallax. We’ll be using JQuery to take a horizontally scrolling website and add a parallax scrolling background effect reminiscent of old-school 2D platform games like Sonic the Hedgehog.

We will teach you how to do Animate image filling up by using jquery. You can also see demo of the final result and also download it from the website of the author of this tutorial.

In older days we use Adobe’s Flash for animate any thing, but these days with the magic of javascript we can avoid Flash altogether. Today we’re going to build a really cool animated navigation menu using just CSS and jQuery.

In this tutorial you will learn how we will combine the CSS property ‘z-index’ and the power of jQuery to create a unique gallery which have a appearance of a pile of pictures.

With the power of jquery it’s now possible to create equally as powerful animations and effects without needing to use any third party plugins. We’ll going to show you what a sprite is and just how easy it can be to create an entire animated scene using jQuery, CSS & Sprites.

By using some clever CSS and the jQuery UI, fluid image grids are now surprisingly simple to implement on the web. Image grids that smoothly scale at the simple drag of a slider are no longer confined to desktop apps like iPhoto or Picasa.

In this awesome jquery tutorial you can learn how to make revealing phot slider by coding jquery. After learning this tutorial many peoples now think that there is no need of flash to create presentation and interactive UI.

It is a simple jQuery tutorial in which you learn how to make moving boxes carousel. The carousel has features that allow you to zoom in and out. The boxes slide left or right.

This tutorial teaches you how to create a sliding panel, that slides in to reveal more content. You can use JQuery to animate the height of the panel. You can also apply these features into your sites login area.

Glimmer is a JavaScript animation creation tool that lets you create amazing animations. Now you can learn how to create animations using jqyery by just visiting glimmer website. You will also see many examples with codes on glimmer website.

View the original article here

Magazine Modules & Mambot

Featured article

Choose any of the articles in any of the editions and make it your featured article. You can use the article's default image or choose any other image in the stories folder to create your cover story.

Back Issues

Displays all of your back issues for a rich, content-filled site. We recommend that you un-publish future editions to keep your visitors coming back for more.

Future edition

Reveal the titles of articles to be published in future edition and give your visitors an idea of what's coming up next.

Current articles

Displays all the articles in the current edition. Place this module in a strategic location on your site and give your visitors easy access to your articles.

The iJoomla mambot allows you to add quotes to your magazine articles.  
Adding quotes can be a bit time consuming but we think it's worth the effort. It allows your users to understand the content of the article with just a glance. That encourages reading and increases stickiness.

 You must install the mambot if you want the quotes feature to work! 

View the original article here

Balonarea este cauzata de o anumita afectiune sau este o consecinta a unui stil alimentar dezordonat. Daca senzatia de balonare este repetitiva, in ciuda regimului alimentar optim, este important sa va adresezi unui medic specialist pentru a depista daca exista probleme digestive si cum pot fi tratate. Balonarea se manifesta prin gaze in exces in tubul digestiv, in special in stomac si intestine. In cazuri de balonare persistenta, este recomandata o detoxifiere de 2-3 ori pe an, necesitate prezenta in special dupa varsta de 35 de ani, cand problemele digestive devin mai frecvente.

Joomla Blog Posts from Around the Web (week 47)

Here are some interesting Joomla blog posts I found during week 47.

Read on for some info on the upcoming board group of external advisors for Joomla, a lush Virtuemart webshop, some DOCMan secrets, details on the new and enhanced JED approval process, and finally, some videos featuring well-known people from the Joomla leadership.

Enjoy the read and have a great week!

Written by Brian Teeman

I’ve said it before and I will say it again - I don’t like Virtuemart as software for building ecommerce sites in joomla.

A tweet of mine is even being made into a t-shirt for me and I will wear it with pride.

Read the complete post here..

Written by Steve Burge

Open Source Matters (OSM), is the non-profit organization that provides the Joomla project with financial and legal support.

It’s a serious responsibility and one that is currently held by 14 board members who have long and successful track records as participants in the Joomla community.

Read the complete post here..

Written by Amy Stephen

Excellent tutorial from author James Kennard entitled Getting started with JForm that all Joomla! developers should read before creating your first Joomla! 1.6 Component. Very good piece.

Read the complete post here..

Written by Kristoffer

DOCman 1.5 has a unique permission system allowing you to divide up your documents and categories in such a way that you can deliver them securely and efficiently. One question I’m often asked in my daily role as Support Engineer on the forums is how to get these permissions right.

Read the complete post here..

Written by Matt Lipscomb

The Joomla! Extensions Directory Team is proud to announce a new enhanced listing submission approval process. Over the last two years, submissions to the JED have increased exponentially and it is expected to continue to grow throughout 2011 and far beyond.

Read the complete post here..

Ryan Ozimek, President of Open Source Matters, Inc., talks about the role of Open Source Matters and his experience in the community.

See the video here..

Andrew Eddie of the Production Leadership Team talks about the Joomla Development and how community contribution works.

See the video here..

View the original article here

vineri, 10 decembrie 2010

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Promoting Online Products

Check it out!

Can someone download photoshop free trial more than 1 time if he hide his IP address?

Question by SLINDIA ROCKS!!: Can someone download photoshop free trial more than 1 time if he hide his IP address?
is it possible for someone to download photoshop free 30 day trial more than 1 time if he hide his IP Addres with a IP Address hiding software,if so could he get caught for doing that,but how could anyone catch him because his IP address is hidden!?

Best answer:

Answer by Wizard Of OS
I don’t believe that your IP address makes a difference since it changes everytime you connect to the internet or reboot our modem if you have a broadband connection. Unless you are paying way too much for a fixed IP address from your provider.
What they do is put a small file of some kind on your hard drive, probably hidden, and when you try to install it a second time it refuses if that file is there.

Someone out there may know what that file is and where to find it but instead I suggest you consider installing GIMP which is a free download.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

View the original article here

20+ iPhone optimized Websites for Your Inspiration

Most of the people in the world says that the future of webdesign is creating websites for mobile. Any ways As iphone popularity increases, Many websites now introduces there iphone version. Today i showcased some of the most popular and useful websites like twitter, deviant art, fox news, flickr, etc. Now you can use these sites with your iphone on the move. Enjoy!

Tags: 20+ iPhone ready websites, Beautiful iPhone ready websites Examples, Corporate iPhone optimized websites, ipad websites, iphone, iphone 3g websites examples, iphone optimized websites, iPhone ready websites, iPhone ready websites examples, iPhone ready websites Inspiration, iphone website Designs, Webdesign Inspirations

View the original article here


When you create your magazines and issues, you use articles that already exist in your site, this way you don't have to re-enter all the articles. 

Using iJoomla Magazine gives you all the flexibility that you need to create a truly professional site whether you use it to create an actual magazine or just to make your site look better.

Unlimited magazines/ issues / articles;A different layout and style for each issue;Uses existing content items;Better control over your page layout and style;You can replace your current home page with the magazine home page for better layout and style control;Create a professional looking magazine or any kind of site!

View the original article here

Joomla developers, please make sure your extensions validate!

Whenever I test a new extension, one of the first things I test is validation. Using the W3C validation service I can check if the extension outputs validating code.

The Markup Validation Service is a validator by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that allows Internet users to check HTML documents for conformance to HTML or XHTML standards. It also provides a quick method for web page authors to check their posted pages for mark-up errors.

Running your site through a check like this is valuable and and easy way to check if you have made any mistake in your coding.

And, as I mentioned, it is a really good way of knowing if the brand new extensions you installed in your Joomla site will produce validation errors on your page.

HTML and CSS errors may have a negative impact on your the search engine visibility of your site. It can also break your page in various browsers that have a strict implementation of the standards.

When looking at a lot of modules for Joomla from the validation standpoint, it might seem like many developers just don't care about validation. That may be the case, but it could also be about lack of knowledge. Joomla and PHP have a very low barrier to entry. It's very easy to get started, and you can start coding a Joomla extension without knowing anything about web standards.

Many developers learn to code by reading code created by others. In the case of Joomla, a lot of this code is found in the Joomla core. If you take a look at the output from the core com_content component, it's not validating. And the only template in the core package that really validates out of the box is the Beez template.

Having a "broken" output from the Joomla core can mislead new developers into thinking they shouldn't care about web standards and validation. This, in turn, creates a broken window scenario.

As one developer puts it:

The best bang for buck education for new Joomla devs is (in my opinion anyway) better core code.

The most common error that produces warnings in the W3C validator, is the encoding of ampersands (the & character) in URLs. If you write an URL using parameters, you often use the & character. The correct use of this character in an URL is &

Another thing is the use of the
tag, which should be
in most cases.

There are many other examples of non-validating code and bad coding practice:

Inline CSSInline JavaScriptTables as a lazy layout. Tables have their place, but it isn't for laying out your whole site.Poor use of classes and IDsMultiple IDs with the same name on a pageJavascript and CSS outside the tag (exception is javascript in the footer for late loading)and many more...

And these errors are not restricted to smaller, non-significant Joomla extensions out there. Some of the larger, high-profile extensions for Joomla are producing sloppy, non-validating code. This particularly annoys me when it happens with commercial extensions. It's like buying a car with a layer of rust beneath the paint...

It's quite simple, actually. If a developer creates a module or component that outputs HTML and CSS, he should make sure that the output validates. I've seen these kinds of errors in many different types of extensions.

You could, of course, modify the code yourself to have it validate. However, that is oftentimes not within the knowledge you possess. Also, it will involve either hacking the code or making a template override. Depending on the module or component, this can produce unexpected results when upgrading.

As Joomla users, we can ask the developers of our favorite extensions to modify their code so it validates. I've contacted a few developers myself and given them some tips on how to do it. Most of the time, it's well received and appreciated. It shows you care, and so should they.

Also, if you have someone develop a custom Joomla extension for you, make sure they code it according to standards (and use the Joomla API). Even if it means some more development time, it will pay off in the long run.

So, I hope more developers will take the time to make sure their super-cool and nifty modules are producing validating HTML.

View the original article here

joi, 9 decembrie 2010

Ready Made Joomla Websites + Video Tutorials + Bonuses

Brand new Ready Made Joomla 1.5 Launched! Mar '10. 3.2% Conversion Rate And 60% Commission.. http://readymadejoomla.com/affiliates/ ... Special Banners And Tools For Affiliates.. http://readymadejoomla.com/affiliates.php

Check it out!

Do not call lists, publicly posted phone numbers, and solicitation.?

Question by Isaiah O: Do not call lists, publicly posted phone numbers, and solicitation.?
OK first off a little history.

I work for a brand new company that specializes in website SEO and custom software development etc…

we are currently amongst other marketing techniques cold calling companies that we think could benefit from seo.

i know people hate calls of this kind, we only call the businesses and only at specific times. we have had tremendous luck with this.

well i just had two people in organ get mad as they are on a do not call list (first time i have had issues with this) one guy asked for my company info, website, phone number etc… (i gave it all to him) he said it was illegal to call people in the state of organ unless they first call you if their number is on the do not call list.

so what i would like to know is, am i obligated to get this list and look up every number i wish to call?
i do not get my numbers from some data base i actually go through magazine adds and look at the websites before i call. no point in just calling people randomly as that really dosnt work as well as being somewhat informed about potential clients.

so if i get my numbers from a magazine, tv, or website is it illegal to call a company?

lastly what kind of legal action can be taken?
OK it was said there is an exception but state laws might be different. If we follow federal guidelines and laws can we get in trouble with other states then?

Best answer:

Answer by cyanne2ak
Yes, you ARE obligated to compare your list of numbers to those on the Do Not Call list, regardless of where you get those numbers. You may be charged with a federal crime, which has very hefty fines for each violation.

Add your own answer in the comments!

View the original article here

40+ Handwritten logo Designs for your Inspiration

Handwritten logos are most popular now a days, Many corporations and companies prefer handwritten logos. One of the best cause to chose handwritten logos is that it looks very simple and represents company identity elegantly. That’s why today i posted 40+ handwritten logos of big companies for your Inspiration.

Tags: 30+ Handwritten Logo Designs, Beautiful logos Examples, Corporate logos, Corporate logos Examples, Handwritten Logo Design examples, Handwritten Logo Design Inspiration, Handwritten Logo Designs, Handwritten LogoDesigns, Logo Design Examples, Logo Design Inspirations, Logo Designs, logos

View the original article here

Mini Articles

Mini articles are a great way to add some professional touch to your magazine. They can be displayed at the end of the article page to provider your readers with ideas of what they should read next, or on the author profile page to provide your readers with different lists of this author.

1. Article page mini articles - show at the end of the article page 

Related articles - based on keywords meta tagMore articles by this author - shows a list of more articles by this author

2. Author profile page mini articles - show on the full author page

Recent articles: the most recent articles by this authorPopular articles: the most popular articles by this authorRandom articles: some random articles by this author

Mini Articles contain some or all of the following depends on your settings:

Article image thumbnailArticle titleArticle intro textRead More link

You can turn these items on or off and configure them further on your settings page. You can also choose how many rows and columns of mini articles to display.

Show mini articles at the end of the article pageShow mini articles on author profile pageShow/Hide and control any of the mini articles element

View the original article here

Knights of Joomla - gather in the Netherlands for J and Beyond 2011

In June 2010, the brave knights and dames from all over Europe and from far away, gathered in a monestary outside Wiesbaden. Their quest was a noble one - to unite the kingdom of Joomla and to learn from each other. And so they did.

Word about the gathering spread far and wide, and the kingdom of Joomla (or is it really a republic?) felt like a warm and cosy place.

Next year, the knights who say J! will gather once more. In the city of Kerkrade, Netherlands, J and Beyond 2011 will have the Joomla world come together to share, learn and drink some insane amounts of Dutch brew.

The dates are May 6th - 8th 2011.

The new and updated site was lauched last night. Designed (by Chiara Aliotta) and built by Nuevvo, the site has a fun and different look. The knights theme has obviously been inspired by the venue for J and Beyond 2011, the ancient city of Rolduc.

The J and Beyond team searched across Europe looking for the perfect venue and with Rolduc Abbey in the city of Kerkrade, they believe they've found it. I certainly agree - the venue looks great!

Located within one hour drive of 6 countries and with excellent international travel connections Rolduc offers everything we could ask for and more.

We have access to rooms at the Rolduc Abbey and Conference centre suitable for sessions for all attendees and for breakouts and smaller sessions. There is great food on site and of course a bar for those quieter moments in the evening.

The venue can cope with up to 450 attendees and there is accomodation on site for up to 280 people.

As a regulare reader of Joomlablogger, you will know that I attended J and Beyond 2010 in Wiesbaden. It was a great opportunity to learn about Joomla.

The most important thing, however, was the social part of it. I got to meet and know a lot of great people from all over the world. A whole lot of those were for me, up until then, just an avatar on Twitter or in the Joomla forums. It's always a great pleasure to meet someone whom you have just "met" digitally.

Here's the post I wrote after the first day at J and Beyond 2010

I'm really looking forward to meeting those people again, and to make new connections.

Ryan Ozimek, president of Open Source Matters, meeting fellow Joomla enthusiasts.

Although J and Beyond 2011 was a private initiative, organized by Robert Deutz and a team of volunteers, the event will be remembered as the first international Joomla! event.

Brian Teeman, one of the organizers, writes on the JAB 11 website:

In 2010 attendees came from over 25 countries spread over 5 continents and only Australasia and Antarctica were not represented but maybe we can resolve that this year.

I believe the 2011 event will be a huge one - so make sure to grab your tickets as soon as possible!

Buy your tickets for J and Beyond 2011 here

One of the jurys from J and Beyond 2010 during the J! Oscars awards ceremony. Victor Drover speaking.

A recurring theme for J and Beyond 2010 was "Joomla rocks!". The phrase has been used continuously since the conference. It even resulted in a website solely aimed at promoting Joomla and the community feeling: ourcmsrocks.com.

Robert Deutz also set the theme of the conference very nicely in his opening keynote - stay positive - be friendly! And that's how i experienced J and Beyond 2010 as well. Positive and friendly people - all wanting to share and improve.

Here's a video I made after JAB 10, where people share their impressions from the event:

To set the mood even more, here's a scene from the classic movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".

I hope to see you in Rolduc. And remember, bring a shrubbery ;)

View the original article here

miercuri, 8 decembrie 2010

Recurring Commisions! - Web Design tutorial for Beginners

Everything you need to know to build your website, ministie, blog or content management system - step by step from start to finish. Membership website with over 520+ video tutorials, tips and guides, social community and expert help forum.

Check it out!

How can I download a free non money poker game

Question by Sharlene W: How can I download a free non money poker game
I want to download a poker game that does not require gambling with money

Best answer:

Answer by the_dover_pro
Here is a link for a couple sites that let you play for FREE, yet you can still win some nice prizes or even some cash.

One of them has a ,000 cash tournament you can enter for free!

NO money is required to win and play poker. And these sites are USA legal, so there are no problems at all as far as gambling goes.


Good luck at the tables.

Give your answer to this question below!

View the original article here


iJoomla Magazine has seven unique modules that make it easy for you to organize your magazine and make it an even better read for your users. Like other Joomla modules, you can display your modules on every available position of your template. Use the modules for navigation and as teasers for different sections of your magazine.

The Magazines module displays a list of all the published magazines and can be used to allow your visitors to navigate between your magazines.

Tip: Place your list high on the left for easy navigation.

The Featured Article module will display the featured article for the issue currently being viewed. If you are looking at issue #1, the module will show the featured article for issue #1; if you’re looking at issue #3, it will show the featured article chosen for issue #3 and so on.

If you are viewing a page that is not a magazine page, this module will display the featured article of the default issue of the default magazine, unless you specify an article on the Default Article ID field, of this module’s backend.

The Issues module displays all of the issues for the magazine currently in view. For example, if you are looking at magazine #1, the module will show the issues for magazine #1.

Use the issues module to give your readers access to published issues of this magazine. If you’re using the issues module to create sections and home pages, you can also use the module to link to different sections of your site.

The purpose of this module is to give your readers a preview of what’s coming up on the next issue of your magazine. The module can displays a title, a part of the article, and a thumbnail, however, none of these will link to the article itself.

You will need to enter the issue ID on this module’s backend in order to display its articles.


The purpose of this module is to show your readers some of the articles of the default issue, or the issue they are currently viewing. The module can displays a title, a intro text, a Read More link and a thumbnail. The title, Read More and image link to the article.

This module displays a list of your authors with their photo thumbnail and/or their recent article(s). You can choose to display their: name, photo, bio, Read More link and articles. This list of authors is taken from your Authors Manager.

Tip: You can create multiple instances of this module to display different things. For example, one module to display some information about the authors, and another to display the authors with their recent articles.

Use this module to allow your visitors to learn more about contributors to your site

This module can replace the “magazines” and “issues” modules. The advantage of this module is that it creates a menu module with all your magazines, issues or both magazines and issues. Because each of the magazines and issues can have its own menu item, you can assign different modules to each issues or magazines.

On the module settings you can choose to either show only the magazines, only the modules or both. If you choose to show both then the issues of each magazine will be the sub menus of parent magazine.

You can also choose to display the magazines/issues as a drop down menu, instead of a list. Just select  Drop Down Menu on the Display Method field.

You can assign the class for the magazine menu items and the issues menu items. By default they are “mainlevel” and “sublevel” which is how it is on Joomla. If you want to use this menu module on top, you may want to remove these classes.

7 modules included;Place each module on any of your template's available positions; Ideal for easy navigation of your magazine and site;Smart display ; modules show the right content for the magazine/issue currently being viewed;All modules are optional but recommended.

View the original article here

Show off your Facebook following in Joomla

I set up a Facebook fan page a while ago. Now, I've put up a FaceBook Fan Box here at JoomlaBlogger.

This box displays fans of my Facebook page directly in Joomla. You can find the module in the right sidebar.

To put a box like this in your own site you have a few options.

When I first installed a Facebook module on my site, I had some trouble with it. I've now found another module which seems to work better.

This is an update of a post I wrote in 2009, republished because of new information.

You can get the HTML from your Facebook page and put it into a Custom HTML module. Look for the link called 'Add Fan Box to Your Site'. You assign the module to a module position and you're done.

However, this can be challenging if your WYSIWYG editor messes up your code.

As I mentioned, the first time I set up a FaceBook module here on Joomlablogger, I faced some trouble. The module messed up my Google Analytics numbers. It made it look like I had a lower bounce rate and more pageviews than I actually have. When I removed the module, numbers went back to normal.

A few days ago, I found a small and elegant module that makes the process of adding a Facebook FanBox even simpler. FB LikeBox FanPage is a new, free module created by Giorgos Xilouris. It lets you place a FaceBook Fanbox in your Joomla page. The only thing you need to enter is the Facebook API key and the page ID of your Facebook page.

Before you start, you need a Facebook API key. This is done by installing the Facebook developer app and following the instructions provided here. Without the Facebook API key, you won't be able to have the info displayed in the module.

Download the FB LikeBox FanPage module, install it and assign it to a module position in your template. Then, enter your Facebook API key and Page ID - you're all set!

There are some more settings in the module as well, like showing the stream of updates from a selected number of users. You can also decide on the size of the box and the text displayed, to mention some of the functions. Check out the screen shot below for more. I think Khawaib Ahmed has made a nice little module and enjoyed how easy it was to set up.

I didn't do that, but it's possible to customize the module even further by customizing the stylesheet. That way, you can have the box match your template even better.

One last tip: As the FB LikeBox FanPage already has a border, you might want to use a module suffix to removed the border around your standard module display (if there is one). In the template I use, Phoenix from YooTheme, I used the 'blank' module suffix to get rid of the module border.

So - get started and show off your Facebook following in your Joomla site!

View the original article here

marți, 7 decembrie 2010

SEO para Relajados - Gana más de 50% por cada venta

Gana El 55% Por Cada Venta - Este Curso Te Provee Un Software Personalizado de Drupal Cms y Te Enseña Cómo Utilizarlo Para Obtener Un Excelente Posicionamiento En Los Motores de Búsqueda Usando Seo. Puedes Usarlo Para Tu Construir Tu Negocio en Internet.

Check it out!

how can i make my own layout for wordpress?

Question by rockstar: how can i make my own layout for wordpress?
i want to install wordpress on my website but i dont know how to use it.. i think i can learn the easy stuff about the blog part but how do i make my own look for my site using css instead of using one of their themes? anyone have a tutorial? and is wordpress removable if i dont like it after a few days?

Best answer:

Answer by j k
This should get you started on themes:




You’ll find that it isn’t just css.

WordPress is removable.

Add your own answer in the comments!

View the original article here


Adding quotes is super easy and allows your users to understand the content of the article with just a glance. Our professionally designed quote boxes give your articles that special touch.

Quotes are a small piece of your copy that you'd like to emphasis on your article page.

You can add as many quotes as you wish on each page. We recommend one to two quotes for short articles and more for longer articles.

Select iJoomla Magazine -> Manage Content -> Articles from the menu.Under the column marked "Article Source", find and open the content item you'd like to edit.Choose the text you'd like to quote and enter a quotes tag in the beginning and a closing quotes tag at the end.Save the page, check the result and tweak as needed.

This will display the quotes in an approximate location to the source text.

Note: Quotes work only in full text ! don't add them to your intro text!

Quotes align to the left by default but If you'd like to align the quote box to the right, add align=right to the opening tag: {quotes align=right}. The closing tag should remain the same.

Allows your users to understand the content of the article with just a glanceGives your articles that special touchAdd as many quotes as you want

View the original article here

VirtueMart 1.1.6 released today - no more support for Joomla 1.0

Today, the VirtueMart Developer Team announced the release of VirtueMart 1.1.6.

As I mentioned in a previous post called What's going on with Virtuemart, it's been a long time since the last update of Virtuemart. Now, version 1.1.6 is here, with around 30 bugs fixed. There are not many features added, but the bug fixing is good to have.

Important: please read on before upgrading or installing!

As the Virtuemart team has previously announced, VirtueMart will no longer support  Joomla! 1.0.

VirtueMart 1.1.6 is the first release in the history of Virtuemart that is deployed for Joomla! 1.5 only.

A lot of bugs have been fixed, more than 30, take a look at the changelog below.

Bug #111: Old Price in PDF not correctly styledBug #116: bug in checking stockBug #119: Very long time open goods in categoryBug #127: PayPal (old method) data arrayBug #129: Some characters in attribute name cause issuesBug #130: "Return to product" link after sending information request form is wrongBug #131: Product with negative amount in stock show "Add to cart" instead of "Notify me"Bug #132: Image creation error when thumb height or width is Zero or empty in configuration -> site (tab)Bug #134: When creating text or textarea field type in Manage User Fields, default value is 0Bug #135: Zone shipping module doesn’t have ‘The shipping rate has been updated’ message when ‘Apply‘Bug #136: ‘Apply’ button in shipping module form acts wrongBug #137: Advanced Search according to Parameters can't find exact float valuesBug #138: Admin Customer Reviews page should have no "New" buttonBug #140: Download path issue on other domainsBug #143: Reflect checkout steps in the URLBug #151: Check for child itemsBug #152: EUVAT Check Address is changedBug #154: Bug with some SEF routerBug #156: Virtuemart registration form country and state list tanslationBug #157: Issue with apostrophe in backend user informationBug #158: PayPal API cart empty if shipping address and method are not enabledBug #159: Discount missing from cartBug #160: Breadcrumbs issue with links direct to category IDBug #161: Update README and INSTALLATIONBug #162: Product names are not translated in browse pageBug #163: Remove ordering buttons for child products list.Bug #164: Bug in ps_montradaBug #165: Coupon value is not changed according to currencyBug #166: Multiple tax rates issue with "no tax" productsBug #167: VM1.1.5: Orders equal to 0.00 but customers still get sent to PayPalBug #168: EUVATID Shipping TaxBug #176: Import / export menu items uselessBug #182: Bug in form registration fields validation Bug #183: Sort order is missing for newly created sub-categories Bug #184: Bug in get_price for child productsBug #185: Notify script not installedBug #186: In Product Type - Parameter Unit value is not shown on frontpage. Bug #198: "Deprecated" warning in PHP 5.3 when trying to add additional imagesFeature #114: After Changing Order Status Goes Back to ALL OrdersFeature #115: Error Process for Missing Required Ship To Fields Loses User Entered DataFeature #117: Illegal variable_files ... error after clicking Add to Cart when there are empty attributesFeature #128: State validation in registration formFeature #155: Account maintenance not redirected to httpsTask #178: Release of 1.1.6

View the original article here

luni, 6 decembrie 2010

Joomla Template Secrets V2.0

Discover how to download 3500 Free Joomla templates and Empower them on my every single niche website like Pro! More bonuses! Earn 75% Commission per sale. Affiliate toolkits provided: rebrandable report, ezine articles, keywords, images, high CTR ads!

Check it out!

What’s a poker face ? [lady gaga song]?

Question by BRiT™    : What’s a poker face ? [lady gaga song]?
Haha so i was listening to poker face by lady gaga… what is a poker face anyways ? I know its an expression but i need details lol . & no i’ve never played poker or watched people playing poker so idk D:

Best answer:

Answer by snakeyez82
well i don’t know how to play poker, but you can use the ‘poker face’ in any card game, or any situation really where you don’t want to show anyone ur hand (what cards u have, especially if they’re really good) or u don’t want anyone to know what you’re thinking or feeling, so you hide it with your poker face, by pulling a straight face with no expression on it, so no one knows what you are thinking, etc etc. Hope that helps. :-)

What do you think? Answer below!

View the original article here

20+ iPhone optimized Websites for Your Inspiration

Most of the people in the world says that the future of webdesign is creating websites for mobile. Any ways As iphone popularity increases, Many websites now introduces there iphone version. Today i showcased some of the most popular and useful websites like twitter, deviant art, fox news, flickr, etc. Now you can use these sites with your iphone on the move. Enjoy!
Tags: 20+ iPhone ready websites, Beautiful iPhone ready websites Examples, Corporate iPhone optimized websites, ipad websites, iphone, iphone 3g websites examples, iphone optimized websites, iPhone ready websites, iPhone ready websites examples, iPhone ready websites Inspiration, iphone website Designs, Webdesign Inspirations

View the original article here

Installing iJoomla Magazine

Please follow the following steps for installing iJoomla Magazine.

Unzip the zip file called iJoomlaMagazineV20X.zip.Save the content on a folder of your choice on your computer. The zip file contains six sub-files and two text files:
com_magazine.zip mod_magazine_issues.zip mod_featured_article.zip mod_current_articles.zip mod_upcoming_articles.zip mod_magazine_list .zip mod_author_list.zip mod_magazine_menu.zip mos_magazine.zip LICENSE.txt README.txt
Unzip the zip file called iJoomlaMagazineV20X.zip.Save the content on a folder of your choice on your computer. The zip file contains six sub-files and two text files:
com_magazine.zip mod_magazine_issues.zip mod_featured_article.zip mod_current_articles.zip mod_upcoming_articles.zip mod_magazine_list .zip mod_author_list.zip mod_magazine_menu.zip mos_magazine.zip LICENSE.txt README.txt

Com_magazine.zip is the iJoomla component. The following seven files are component modules. The last zipped file is the iJoomla mambot.

Note: Unless you plan to install iJoomla Magazine manually, you won

View the original article here

Joomla developers, please make sure your extensions validate!

Whenever I test a new extension, one of the first things I test is validation. Using the W3C validation service I can check if the extension outputs validating code.

The Markup Validation Service is a validator by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that allows Internet users to check HTML documents for conformance to HTML or XHTML standards. It also provides a quick method for web page authors to check their posted pages for mark-up errors.

Running your site through a check like this is valuable and and easy way to check if you have made any mistake in your coding.

And, as I mentioned, it is a really good way of knowing if the brand new extensions you installed in your Joomla site will produce validation errors on your page.

HTML and CSS errors may have a negative impact on your the search engine visibility of your site. It can also break your page in various browsers that have a strict implementation of the standards.

When looking at a lot of modules for Joomla from the validation standpoint, it might seem like many developers just don't care about validation. That may be the case, but it could also be about lack of knowledge. Joomla and PHP have a very low barrier to entry. It's very easy to get started, and you can start coding a Joomla extension without knowing anything about web standards.

Many developers learn to code by reading code created by others. In the case of Joomla, a lot of this code is found in the Joomla core. If you take a look at the output from the core com_content component, it's not validating. And the only template in the core package that really validates out of the box is the Beez template.

Having a "broken" output from the Joomla core can mislead new developers into thinking they shouldn't care about web standards and validation. This, in turn, creates a broken window scenario.

As one developer puts it:

The best bang for buck education for new Joomla devs is (in my opinion anyway) better core code.

The most common error that produces warnings in the W3C validator, is the encoding of ampersands (the & character) in URLs. If you write an URL using parameters, you often use the & character. The correct use of this character in an URL is &

Another thing is the use of the
tag, which should be
in most cases.

There are many other examples of non-validating code and bad coding practice:

Inline CSSInline JavaScriptTables as a lazy layout. Tables have their place, but it isn't for laying out your whole site.Poor use of classes and IDsMultiple IDs with the same name on a pageJavascript and CSS outside the tag (exception is javascript in the footer for late loading)and many more...

And these errors are not restricted to smaller, non-significant Joomla extensions out there. Some of the larger, high-profile extensions for Joomla are producing sloppy, non-validating code. This particularly annoys me when it happens with commercial extensions. It's like buying a car with a layer of rust beneath the paint...

It's quite simple, actually. If a developer creates a module or component that outputs HTML and CSS, he should make sure that the output validates. I've seen these kinds of errors in many different types of extensions.

You could, of course, modify the code yourself to have it validate. However, that is oftentimes not within the knowledge you possess. Also, it will involve either hacking the code or making a template override. Depending on the module or component, this can produce unexpected results when upgrading.

As Joomla users, we can ask the developers of our favorite extensions to modify their code so it validates. I've contacted a few developers myself and given them some tips on how to do it. Most of the time, it's well received and appreciated. It shows you care, and so should they.

Also, if you have someone develop a custom Joomla extension for you, make sure they code it according to standards (and use the Joomla API). Even if it means some more development time, it will pay off in the long run.

So, I hope more developers will take the time to make sure their super-cool and nifty modules are producing validating HTML.

View the original article here

sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010

Lp Jumper

Ladning Page Rotation Plugin For Wordpress. Lp Jumper is a fast and simple way to split test multiple landing pages with just a mouse click. Lp Jumper uses the current themes within your WordPress Cms platform and rotates them all via a percentage base.

Check it out!

why isnt zynga texas hold em poker working on my facebook?

Question by SEXINESS: why isnt zynga texas hold em poker working on my facebook?
i tried to go on and play but it doesnt work like it goes to the page and try’s to load but the page stays blank. Why isn’t it working and how can i fix this?
i already tried refreshing the page. and please no stupid answers

Best answer:

Answer by Carling
well, my friend, sometimes the internet malfunctions. maybe you should go out and get some exercise! :D

Add your own answer in the comments!

View the original article here

vineri, 3 decembrie 2010

Collection of best Online Text Editor Better Then Notepad

Posted on 03 December 2010.

Many people knows that Internet Explorer was the first browser to add a ‘designMode’, Mozilla and most browsers have now implemented this facility. Design mode allows to edit the formatted parts of a document. Online rich-text editors present (WYSIWYG) ‘what you see is what you get’ interface for editing rich text online within your web browsers. Today we have compiled list of best online text editors for you to use and enjoy!

Real time Online Editor is simple and useful online HTML editor. One of the best feature of Real time editor is that It automatically corrects all the syntax problems with HTML scripts which the user makes during typing.

HTML Instant is another free online HTML editor. HTML Instant is very useful for web developers also because it supports CSS and tables.

CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It’s a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.

Web Wiz Rich Text Editor (RTE) is a free WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor that replaces standard textareas with an advanced Word style HTMLarea WYSIWYG Editor. The Web Wiz Rich Text Editor allows you to easily layout the content being entered into your textareas with real-time formatting such as bold, italic, fonts, etc. You can even upload and resize images, tables, attach files, paste from Word, and many other tools. The resulting source code is then submitted like any other textarea.

MarkItUp! is not meant to be a “Full-Features-Out-of-the-Box”-editor. Instead it is a very lightweight, customizable and flexible engine made to meet the developer’s needs in their CMSes, blogs, forums or websites. markItUp! is not a WYSIWYG editor.

TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. TinyMCE is very easy to integrate into other Content Management Systems.

Yahoo rich text editor is one the best online text editor because it can also used on mobile browsers, so when you need to build a mobile app, this editor should be the first choice.

The Cross-Browser Rich Text Editor includes table suppor as well as an option to generate xhtml-compliant code. It supports IE5.5+/Mozilla 1.3+/Firefox 0.6.1+/Netscape 7.1+/Mac Safari 1.3+/Opera 9+, or any other browser that fully supports designMode() for rich-text features. All other browsers will display a standard textarea box instead.

JS Bin is a webapp specifically designed to help JavaScript and CSS folk test snippets of code, within some context, and debug the code collaboratively. JS Bin allows you to edit and test JavaScript and HTML.

DarkCopy is for anyone who enjoys the simplicity of a typewriter, and wants to increase productivity by focusing only on writing. It was created as a free, web-based clone of WriteRoom.

View the original article here


iJoomla Magazine Component comes with 12 possible layouts for your issues. You can assign a different layout for each issue or use the same layout each time.

You can easily add any of the article or module zones to the layouts to add more content to the issue.

The content to be displayed inside an issue depents on the layout and the tags it contains. By default, there are 7 available tags:

{MAGAZINE_NAME} - Magazine Name{MAGAZINE_DESC} - Magazine Description{EDITION_NAME} - Issue Name{EDITION_DESC} - Issue Description{EDITION_IMAGE} - Issue Image{ZONE_2} - default horizontal zone {ZONE_1} - default vertical zone

When you add more zones, you will be able to add their tags as well to the layout to show their content.

Each layout places the elements in different locations on the page. For example, you might want the main image to be on the left, above the vertical zone, with the horizontal zone on the right. Or you might want the main image to be between the vertical and the horizontal zones.

You can easily edit the layout by moving the tags around, it's as easy as copy-paste!

Each articles zone also has its own layout. You can select how many rows and columns of articles to display and set up many other parameters for full control.

If you have minimal HTML knowledge, you can create your own layouts with Dreamweaver or any other HTML editing tool.

Your Joomla site doesn't have to look like a blog anymore! Just use our layouts and zone features to give your site the professional look you desire.

Give each of your issues a unique look;Choose from 12 different layouts;Use tags to control where each tag appears inside the issue;The zones settings allow you even more control over the layout;Easily edit or create your own layouts;

View the original article here

Show off your Facebook following in Joomla

I set up a Facebook fan page a while ago. Now, I've put up a FaceBook Fan Box here at JoomlaBlogger.

This box displays fans of my Facebook page directly in Joomla. You can find the module in the right sidebar.

To put a box like this in your own site you have a few options.

When I first installed a Facebook module on my site, I had some trouble with it. I've now found another module which seems to work better.

This is an update of a post I wrote in 2009, republished because of new information.

You can get the HTML from your Facebook page and put it into a Custom HTML module. Look for the link called 'Add Fan Box to Your Site'. You assign the module to a module position and you're done.

However, this can be challenging if your WYSIWYG editor messes up your code.

As I mentioned, the first time I set up a FaceBook module here on Joomlablogger, I faced some trouble. The module messed up my Google Analytics numbers. It made it look like I had a lower bounce rate and more pageviews than I actually have. When I removed the module, numbers went back to normal.

A few days ago, I found a small and elegant module that makes the process of adding a Facebook FanBox even simpler. FB LikeBox FanPage is a new, free module created by Giorgos Xilouris. It lets you place a FaceBook Fanbox in your Joomla page. The only thing you need to enter is the Facebook API key and the page ID of your Facebook page.

Before you start, you need a Facebook API key. This is done by installing the Facebook developer app and following the instructions provided here. Without the Facebook API key, you won't be able to have the info displayed in the module.

Download the FB LikeBox FanPage module, install it and assign it to a module position in your template. Then, enter your Facebook API key and Page ID - you're all set!

There are some more settings in the module as well, like showing the stream of updates from a selected number of users. You can also decide on the size of the box and the text displayed, to mention some of the functions. Check out the screen shot below for more. I think Khawaib Ahmed has made a nice little module and enjoyed how easy it was to set up.

I didn't do that, but it's possible to customize the module even further by customizing the stylesheet. That way, you can have the box match your template even better.

One last tip: As the FB LikeBox FanPage already has a border, you might want to use a module suffix to removed the border around your standard module display (if there is one). In the template I use, Phoenix from YooTheme, I used the 'blank' module suffix to get rid of the module border.

So - get started and show off your Facebook following in your Joomla site!

View the original article here

joi, 2 decembrie 2010

Membresia Digitals 2 Go Mauricio Duque

Membresía por un año seminarios y video manuales sobre como implementar Internet como plataforma de negocios.

Check it out!

Where should I go to submit my website to multiple search engines?

Question by Lefty: Where should I go to submit my website to multiple search engines?
I have tried a few services for submitting and I feel I got ripped off. According to google analyctics I am not getting any traffic from search engines. I would like to know where I should go to submit my site to a lot of search engines. Or the best method of SEO in this regards.
I am looking for a good informative answer. Trolls will be punished :}
Thanks Blair for the information. Yes I signed up with DMOZ some time ago. I get a few directs and referrals but thats it.

Best answer:

Answer by maprunner12
You can’t “submit” a website to a search engine unless you pay them and become a sponsor. It should appear when you search for it in detail.

What do you think? Answer below!

View the original article here

Magazine Modules & Mambot

Featured article

Choose any of the articles in any of the editions and make it your featured article. You can use the article's default image or choose any other image in the stories folder to create your cover story.

Back Issues

Displays all of your back issues for a rich, content-filled site. We recommend that you un-publish future editions to keep your visitors coming back for more.

Future edition

Reveal the titles of articles to be published in future edition and give your visitors an idea of what's coming up next.

Current articles

Displays all the articles in the current edition. Place this module in a strategic location on your site and give your visitors easy access to your articles.

The iJoomla mambot allows you to add quotes to your magazine articles.  
Adding quotes can be a bit time consuming but we think it's worth the effort. It allows your users to understand the content of the article with just a glance. That encourages reading and increases stickiness.

 You must install the mambot if you want the quotes feature to work! 

View the original article here

VirtueMart 1.1.6 released today - no more support for Joomla 1.0

Today, the VirtueMart Developer Team announced the release of VirtueMart 1.1.6.

As I mentioned in a previous post called What's going on with Virtuemart, it's been a long time since the last update of Virtuemart. Now, version 1.1.6 is here, with around 30 bugs fixed. There are not many features added, but the bug fixing is good to have.

Important: please read on before upgrading or installing!

As the Virtuemart team has previously announced, VirtueMart will no longer support  Joomla! 1.0.

VirtueMart 1.1.6 is the first release in the history of Virtuemart that is deployed for Joomla! 1.5 only.

A lot of bugs have been fixed, more than 30, take a look at the changelog below.

Bug #111: Old Price in PDF not correctly styledBug #116: bug in checking stockBug #119: Very long time open goods in categoryBug #127: PayPal (old method) data arrayBug #129: Some characters in attribute name cause issuesBug #130: "Return to product" link after sending information request form is wrongBug #131: Product with negative amount in stock show "Add to cart" instead of "Notify me"Bug #132: Image creation error when thumb height or width is Zero or empty in configuration -> site (tab)Bug #134: When creating text or textarea field type in Manage User Fields, default value is 0Bug #135: Zone shipping module doesn’t have ‘The shipping rate has been updated’ message when ‘Apply‘Bug #136: ‘Apply’ button in shipping module form acts wrongBug #137: Advanced Search according to Parameters can't find exact float valuesBug #138: Admin Customer Reviews page should have no "New" buttonBug #140: Download path issue on other domainsBug #143: Reflect checkout steps in the URLBug #151: Check for child itemsBug #152: EUVAT Check Address is changedBug #154: Bug with some SEF routerBug #156: Virtuemart registration form country and state list tanslationBug #157: Issue with apostrophe in backend user informationBug #158: PayPal API cart empty if shipping address and method are not enabledBug #159: Discount missing from cartBug #160: Breadcrumbs issue with links direct to category IDBug #161: Update README and INSTALLATIONBug #162: Product names are not translated in browse pageBug #163: Remove ordering buttons for child products list.Bug #164: Bug in ps_montradaBug #165: Coupon value is not changed according to currencyBug #166: Multiple tax rates issue with "no tax" productsBug #167: VM1.1.5: Orders equal to 0.00 but customers still get sent to PayPalBug #168: EUVATID Shipping TaxBug #176: Import / export menu items uselessBug #182: Bug in form registration fields validation Bug #183: Sort order is missing for newly created sub-categories Bug #184: Bug in get_price for child productsBug #185: Notify script not installedBug #186: In Product Type - Parameter Unit value is not shown on frontpage. Bug #198: "Deprecated" warning in PHP 5.3 when trying to add additional imagesFeature #114: After Changing Order Status Goes Back to ALL OrdersFeature #115: Error Process for Missing Required Ship To Fields Loses User Entered DataFeature #117: Illegal variable_files ... error after clicking Add to Cart when there are empty attributesFeature #128: State validation in registration formFeature #155: Account maintenance not redirected to httpsTask #178: Release of 1.1.6

View the original article here

marți, 30 noiembrie 2010

Rds Online

Promoting Online Products

Check it out!


When you create your magazines and issues, you use articles that already exist in your site, this way you don't have to re-enter all the articles. 

Using iJoomla Magazine gives you all the flexibility that you need to create a truly professional site whether you use it to create an actual magazine or just to make your site look better.

Unlimited magazines/ issues / articles;A different layout and style for each issue;Uses existing content items;Better control over your page layout and style;You can replace your current home page with the magazine home page for better layout and style control;Create a professional looking magazine or any kind of site!

View the original article here

luni, 29 noiembrie 2010

Ready Made Joomla Websites + Video Tutorials + Bonuses

Brand new Ready Made Joomla 1.5 Launched! Mar '10. 3.2% Conversion Rate And 60% Commission.. http://readymadejoomla.com/affiliates/ ... Special Banners And Tools For Affiliates.. http://readymadejoomla.com/affiliates.php

Check it out!

Do not call lists, publicly posted phone numbers, and solicitation.?

Question by Isaiah O: Do not call lists, publicly posted phone numbers, and solicitation.?
OK first off a little history.

I work for a brand new company that specializes in website SEO and custom software development etc…

we are currently amongst other marketing techniques cold calling companies that we think could benefit from seo.

i know people hate calls of this kind, we only call the businesses and only at specific times. we have had tremendous luck with this.

well i just had two people in organ get mad as they are on a do not call list (first time i have had issues with this) one guy asked for my company info, website, phone number etc… (i gave it all to him) he said it was illegal to call people in the state of organ unless they first call you if their number is on the do not call list.

so what i would like to know is, am i obligated to get this list and look up every number i wish to call?
i do not get my numbers from some data base i actually go through magazine adds and look at the websites before i call. no point in just calling people randomly as that really dosnt work as well as being somewhat informed about potential clients.

so if i get my numbers from a magazine, tv, or website is it illegal to call a company?

lastly what kind of legal action can be taken?
OK it was said there is an exception but state laws might be different. If we follow federal guidelines and laws can we get in trouble with other states then?

Best answer:

Answer by cyanne2ak
Yes, you ARE obligated to compare your list of numbers to those on the Do Not Call list, regardless of where you get those numbers. You may be charged with a federal crime, which has very hefty fines for each violation.

Add your own answer in the comments!

View the original article here

20+ Free & Hi Res Textures

In Older days designers had to buy many expensive cd’s for hi res textures. But nowadays textures are the best free stuff available on the web for designers. But to find a high res texture of different type is very difficult task. Today i compiled different hi res free textures like Wood textures, Grass textures, Paper textures, Grunge Textures, Abstract textures etc for you to download.

View the original article here

duminică, 28 noiembrie 2010

Mini Articles

Mini articles are a great way to add some professional touch to your magazine. They can be displayed at the end of the article page to provider your readers with ideas of what they should read next, or on the author profile page to provide your readers with different lists of this author.

1. Article page mini articles - show at the end of the article page 

Related articles - based on keywords meta tagMore articles by this author - shows a list of more articles by this author

2. Author profile page mini articles - show on the full author page

Recent articles: the most recent articles by this authorPopular articles: the most popular articles by this authorRandom articles: some random articles by this author

Mini Articles contain some or all of the following depends on your settings:

Article image thumbnailArticle titleArticle intro textRead More link

You can turn these items on or off and configure them further on your settings page. You can also choose how many rows and columns of mini articles to display.

Show mini articles at the end of the article pageShow mini articles on author profile pageShow/Hide and control any of the mini articles element

View the original article here

Recurring Commisions! - Web Design tutorial for Beginners

Everything you need to know to build your website, ministie, blog or content management system - step by step from start to finish. Membership website with over 520+ video tutorials, tips and guides, social community and expert help forum.

Check it out!

How can I download a free non money poker game

Question by Sharlene W: How can I download a free non money poker game
I want to download a poker game that does not require gambling with money

Best answer:

Answer by the_dover_pro
Here is a link for a couple sites that let you play for FREE, yet you can still win some nice prizes or even some cash.

One of them has a ,000 cash tournament you can enter for free!

NO money is required to win and play poker. And these sites are USA legal, so there are no problems at all as far as gambling goes.


Good luck at the tables.

Give your answer to this question below!

View the original article here


iJoomla Magazine has seven unique modules that make it easy for you to organize your magazine and make it an even better read for your users. Like other Joomla modules, you can display your modules on every available position of your template. Use the modules for navigation and as teasers for different sections of your magazine.

The Magazines module displays a list of all the published magazines and can be used to allow your visitors to navigate between your magazines.

Tip: Place your list high on the left for easy navigation.

The Featured Article module will display the featured article for the issue currently being viewed. If you are looking at issue #1, the module will show the featured article for issue #1; if you’re looking at issue #3, it will show the featured article chosen for issue #3 and so on.

If you are viewing a page that is not a magazine page, this module will display the featured article of the default issue of the default magazine, unless you specify an article on the Default Article ID field, of this module’s backend.

The Issues module displays all of the issues for the magazine currently in view. For example, if you are looking at magazine #1, the module will show the issues for magazine #1.

Use the issues module to give your readers access to published issues of this magazine. If you’re using the issues module to create sections and home pages, you can also use the module to link to different sections of your site.

The purpose of this module is to give your readers a preview of what’s coming up on the next issue of your magazine. The module can displays a title, a part of the article, and a thumbnail, however, none of these will link to the article itself.

You will need to enter the issue ID on this module’s backend in order to display its articles.

The purpose of this module is to show your readers some of the articles of the default issue, or the issue they are currently viewing. The module can displays a title, a intro text, a Read More link and a thumbnail. The title, Read More and image link to the article.

This module displays a list of your authors with their photo thumbnail and/or their recent article(s). You can choose to display their: name, photo, bio, Read More link and articles. This list of authors is taken from your Authors Manager.

Tip: You can create multiple instances of this module to display different things. For example, one module to display some information about the authors, and another to display the authors with their recent articles.

Use this module to allow your visitors to learn more about contributors to your site

This module can replace the “magazines” and “issues” modules. The advantage of this module is that it creates a menu module with all your magazines, issues or both magazines and issues. Because each of the magazines and issues can have its own menu item, you can assign different modules to each issues or magazines.

On the module settings you can choose to either show only the magazines, only the modules or both. If you choose to show both then the issues of each magazine will be the sub menus of parent magazine.

You can also choose to display the magazines/issues as a drop down menu, instead of a list. Just select  Drop Down Menu on the Display Method field.

You can assign the class for the magazine menu items and the issues menu items. By default they are “mainlevel” and “sublevel” which is how it is on Joomla. If you want to use this menu module on top, you may want to remove these classes.

7 modules included;Place each module on any of your template's available positions; Ideal for easy navigation of your magazine and site;Smart display ; modules show the right content for the magazine/issue currently being viewed;All modules are optional but recommended.

View the original article here

ACL Manager for Joomla! 1.6

The most wanted feature of Joomla! 1.6 is probably the new permissions system, called Access Control List (ACL). With Joomla! 1.6 ACL, you are able to define who has permission to do what on the website, called actions, like the login, configure, access, create, delete, edit and edit state.

These permissions are given to a group of users. You can configure the group permissions on 4 levels: Global configuration, Components and, if applicable, for Categories and Items.

Joomla! ACL is a great tool to define your own groups and their permissions. Unfortunately you will probably not enjoy the new Joomla! permissions system immediately due the difficulty to understand how the system works. It can be quite abstract.

This is where the ACL Manager for Joomla! 1.6 comes in!

The inheritance of permissions between groups and levels and the need to check the settings for a group on 4 levels makes it hard to keep an overview of your settings. If you have tested one of the Joomla! 1.6 Beta's you will probably recognize this. The system has already gotten some critisism for being too complex. Quite strange when the first things I heard about the new ACL system was that it would be very easy to use.

Read more about Joomla 1.6 ACL here

ACLManager for Joomla 1.6 will make it easier to use the Access Control Lists system of Joomla 1.6 and later versions. The extension will consolidate all of the screens into one overview. This makes it easier to see and edit the permissions:

The extension, which will be compatible with Joomla 1.6 or later only, provides you a clean one screen overview of all permission settings over all levels, for a group or user (even if assigned to multiple groups).

The ACL Manager is currently in development by Sander Potjer and is not yet available but expected during Joomla! 1.6 RC period.

I had a small chat with Sander about ACL Manager today and he told me he's currently developing the extension by himself. Of course, I had to ask him some more questions:

Will ACL Manager be commercial or free?

- I haven't decided yet if the ACL Manager will be commercial or free, I have some other plans for the extension and website that I currently work out, depending on the result of it I will decide. If I decide to go for a commercial version it will have a very low price and I will make sure that users that don't want to pay for it also have some benifits of the project.

What's the reason you had for developing the extension?

- My main focus is to make sure that many people will understand the Joomla 1.6 ACL to get the best out of it and know how to use it for their projects.

- I think that many people underestimate the impact and difficulty to set up a Joomla 1.6 site with good ACL settings. If we don't make it more understandable many users will stick with Joomla 1.5, which is a pity because 1.6 has many other nice new features. I can also imagine that there will be ACL implementors to set up good ACL for complicated websites, like we now have extension developers, designers, or people that are good in converting a design to a Joomla template.

How has the project been received by the Joomla community?

- I posted the screenshots on Flickr a few months ago to see if people liked the idea and if it was worthfull to put energy in the deveopment of it. The community response via twitter, skype, email, and responses from JUG's has been overwhelming, many people concluded that it is a must have to understand ACL and that is should be included into core. So thanks to that great response and feedback I decided to continue with the project, with many new ideas for the ACL Manager. So that's why I have launched www.aclmanager.net this week, and again I received many great responses from all over the world.

- It all started when I was digging into the Joomla 1.6 ACL to prepare a presentation about it on a Joomla bootcamp in Amsterdam, how do I explain it on a understandable way...? Via sketches on paper and Excel sheets, I converted it to an extension. I will do the presentation also this weekend at JoomlaDay UK on Saturday and Sunday.

Amy Stephen has written a good overview of the functionality in the ACLManager here. I don't see any reason to go into details as Amy's explanation is so well written :)

To view more screenshots and sign up for release notification, please visit http://www.aclmanager.net/

View the original article here

how can i make my own layout for wordpress?

Question by rockstar: how can i make my own layout for wordpress?
i want to install wordpress on my website but i dont know how to use it.. i think i can learn the easy stuff about the blog part but how do i make my own look for my site using css instead of using one of their themes? anyone have a tutorial? and is wordpress removable if i dont like it after a few days?

Best answer:

Answer by j k
This should get you started on themes:




You’ll find that it isn’t just css.

WordPress is removable.

Add your own answer in the comments!

View the original article here

sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010

20+ fresh Abstract Vectors

Vector images can not be pixelate up to any dimension and not lose the image quality because vector images have not fix resolution. That’s why designers use it for making print ads, flash animations because it gives great flexibility. So if you are looking for abstract vector art or abstract vector designs for your design project then this post is dedicated to you, feel free to download these vectors and use it in your next project.

Tags: abstract background vectors, abstract vectors, abstract vectors free, download free vectors, free vectors, Freebies, fresh Abstract Vectors, vector backgrounds, vectors free

View the original article here

SEO para Relajados - Gana más de 50% por cada venta

Gana El 55% Por Cada Venta - Este Curso Te Provee Un Software Personalizado de Drupal Cms y Te Enseña Cómo Utilizarlo Para Obtener Un Excelente Posicionamiento En Los Motores de Búsqueda Usando Seo. Puedes Usarlo Para Tu Construir Tu Negocio en Internet.

Check it out!


Adding quotes is super easy and allows your users to understand the content of the article with just a glance. Our professionally designed quote boxes give your articles that special touch.

Quotes are a small piece of your copy that you'd like to emphasis on your article page.

You can add as many quotes as you wish on each page. We recommend one to two quotes for short articles and more for longer articles.

Select iJoomla Magazine -> Manage Content -> Articles from the menu.Under the column marked "Article Source", find and open the content item you'd like to edit.Choose the text you'd like to quote and enter a quotes tag in the beginning and a closing quotes tag at the end.Save the page, check the result and tweak as needed.

This will display the quotes in an approximate location to the source text.

Note: Quotes work only in full text ! don't add them to your intro text!

Quotes align to the left by default but If you'd like to align the quote box to the right, add align=right to the opening tag: {quotes align=right}. The closing tag should remain the same.

Allows your users to understand the content of the article with just a glanceGives your articles that special touchAdd as many quotes as you want

View the original article here

How to set up a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for your Joomla site

According to Wikipedia, a content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a system of computers containing copies of data, placed at various points in a network so as to maximize bandwidth for access to the data from clients throughout the network. A client accesses a copy of the data near to the client, as opposed to all clients accessing the same central server, so as to avoid bottleneck near that server.

Content types include web objects, download-able objects (media files, software, documents), applications, real time media streams, and other components of internet delivery (DNS, routes, and database queries).

There are currently three main CDN extensions available for Joomla, and I've just installed one on this site. I'm happy with the result - I hope you notice the difference in speed! In this post, I'll look at what CDN is, take a look at two different CDN extensions for Joomla and how to set up CDN using jomCDN from corephp.

CDN is a Content Delivery Network of highly-optimized servers all around the world working together to distribute your content (CSS and Javascript files, downloadable objects, applications, real-time media streams, and much more) through hundreds of servers instead of a single host. This "smart route" technology makes sure each visitor to your site gets their data from the city closest to them.

Each visitor to your site gets their data from the city closest to them

Small or large, if you're looking to grow your business online, CDN is considered by many as a must-have. By bringing your content close to the user's connection point, CDN will provide your  site with much faster load times, superior scalability, and guaranteed uptime. A faster loading site not only makes your visitors happy, it can also earn you a few extra points toward a higher ranking on the major search engines. Load time has become a significant factor in getting good search engine rankings during the last year.

Last week, we saw the release of two CDN extensions for Joomla in a single day. The way they work are quite different.

jomCDN is a plug-in which automatically compiles the assets (images, javascript files, css files, etc.), syncs them to Amazon servers and automatically relinks all your page content to the Amazon servers. The plug-in supports both Amaon S3 and Amazon Cloudfront.
See below for how to set up this extension.
Price: $29.95
Read more about jomCDN

This extension rewrites the URLs and uses an active CDN which automatically fetches static content from your server. This extension is created to use the MaxCDN service or other similar CDN services.
Price: The non-commercial version is free. The commercial license costs from €15.
Read more about CDN for Joomla

According to the developer, It works on a simple principle of image upload and updating their location path on the fly. Once you upload your folder (images / files) to the Amazon S3, the plugin updates the location path of uploaded files and on client request, all uploaded files are requested from Amazon S3 and not from the site folders. This in turns save the server load and bandwidth at the same time loading is faster on the client end. Disable the plugin and your file links are back to normal.
The extension is a component with full-blown Amazon s3 explorer built in. You can update even a single file to s3. The next version is coming soon, featuring an exclude folders function.
Price: Included in the JoomlArt Club packages
Read more about JA Amazon S3 Component for Joomla!

As you can see, these plugins work in different ways. I chose the jomCDN extension, but you really have to take a look and see what fits your needs and style best.

As much as I wanted to give you a detailed instruction on how to set it up, I'd rather direct you to this excellent instruction on how to set up CDN for Joomla :)

1. Buy the jomCDN plugin
Click here to purchase the corePHP jomCDN plugin for Joomla.

2. Install the plugin
Install the plug-in using the Joomla administrator -> Extensions.

The plug-in will be available in the plug-in manager:

Don't activate the plug-in yet!

3. Sign up for Amazon S3 and Cloudfront
Before you start setting up the plug-in, you need to sign up for the services Amazon S3 and Amazon Cloudfront.
Your server must run PHP 5.2 or later.

4. Create a bucket in Amazon S3
Once you have created an account with Amazon S3, create a bucket through your AWS Management Console. You can create the bucket in any origin server you want. The developer recommends US – Standard or N. California.

Clicking the 'Create bucket' button will open a new window:

4. Insert bucket name
Once you have your bucket created, copy the name of the bucket to the plugin parameters on the right side.

5. Insert Amazon credentials
Now we need your Amazon credentials. These are unique to your AWS account. You can get these from the Security Credentials page.

You will need your 'Access Key ID' and 'Secret Access Key.' Copy those Keys to the plugin parameters on the right.

6. Activate the plug-in
At this point you can start using this plug-in, although we HIGHLY recommend you set up Amazon CloudFront. Once again, instead of objectrequests taking 500-800ms depending on location, CloudFront will increase the speed to an average of 20-30ms, which is a significant difference.

You can sign up for Cloudfront using the tab in the AWS Management Console:

7. Set up CloudFront (Optional/Recommended)
Once you have enabled CloudFront on your account, you need to create a Distribution from the CloudFront Management Console. You will create the distribution for the bucket that you previously created, and the Delivery Method will need to be set to Download. (Setting up a CNAME is not recommended at this time, as it does not support https requests.)

Once created, Amazon will create a unique Domain Name for your distribution.

You will need to copy this domain name as is to the 'CloudFront' option in the plugin parameters.

You now need to set up a cron job.This is something you should ask your hosting provider to do for you.

For general information about setting up a cron job, see the Wikipedia article on Cron. For information regarding your hosting provider, visit your hosting provider’s FAQ or manual pages.

Note to Windows Users: There are similar programs to cron available if your host runs Windows. VisualCron, Cron for Windows and pycron are all examples. Consult these projects' documentation for further information.

1. Change the Cron Job URL Parameter from the Advanced Parameters to something unique for your website. This cron job URL should be accessed at least once a day, but it all depends on the cache lifetimes that you set up.

2. Set up a UNIX cron job to have your server periodically view your cron job URL using a command-line HTTP agent like wget, curl or GET. The command to execute will look like this:
wget -N http://example.com/?cdn_run_cron
Where “cdn_run_cron” is the URL parameter that you set. If you use a different program than wget, substitute that program and its arguments for wget in this line.

If you don't know how to set up a cron job, talk to your hosting company, they will be able to set it up easily.

3. Enable the plugin
After you have set up the cron job, you can enable the plugin using the plugin manager.

4. Browse to your cron job URL
Once the plugin is enabled, browse to your cron job URL manually, this will create the necessary database tables.

5. Browse your site
You can then browse through as many pages on your website as you can. This will cache all of the pages to the server.

6. Visit the cron job URL
When you are done, visit the cron job URL again. This will push all of the files over to the CDN. As files get pushed over, the new URLs of the files will be displayed when browsing your website. As time goes on, people that use your website will visit new pages, and new files will be found every time that the cron job runs. Those files will be pushed to the CDN and then the new URL of the file will be displayed in the source code of your HTML pages.

That's it - your site will now be able to use Amazon servers for content distribution.

I had trouble getting the syncronization to Amazon S3 to work with my server. After much back and forth the corePHP support guys found that my server had the incorrect time. It turns out my server had gotten an incorrect time after a reboot the day before. This caused the sync with the Amazon S3 bucket to fail, as the time difference was too large. Make sure your server time is correct to avoid this.

I haven't tested this extension myself, but the below video will show you how to set it up.

From what I've heard, Amazon is a cheaper solution for smaller sites. That means jomCDN from corephp or the JA Amazon S3 Component from JoomlArt will be a better choice.

If your site is large (in the Terrabyte traffic range), the CDN for Joomla extension from nonumber.nl might be better.

I chose jomCDN for my site, and I think it works well. I already had an account with Amazon, so the signup process was very easy to do.

The capacity sum of strategically placed servers can be higher than the network backbone capacity. This can result in an impressive increase in the number of concurrent users. For instance, when there is a 10 Gbit/s network backbone and 100 Gbit/s central server capacity, only 10 Gbit/s can be delivered. But when 10 servers are moved to 10 edge locations, total capacity can be 10×10 Gbit/s.

Strategically placed edge servers decrease the load on interconnects, public peers, private peers and backbones, freeing up capacity and lowering delivery costs. It uses the same principle as above. Instead of loading all traffic on a backbone or peer link, a CDN can offload these by redirecting traffic to edge servers.

Incorporating a CDN with your website provides you with several benefits, including the following:

Faster Page Loads - Since most of your files will be served from a much closer location to your end-users, the speed in which your page loads will be greatly increased.Reduced Server Load - Since most of your files are no longer served by your own host, your server will be freed up to perform the basic tasks required of it.Handle More Visitors - Because of the improvements just mentioned and other factors, your website will be able to handle the strain of a much larger user base that it could otherwise.Higher SEO Rankings - Caused by the increase in performance to your site, something Google recently claimed effects SEO rankings.

CDN for Joomla! is made to work with any CDN system that supports Pull Zones.

A Pull Zone works in a way that you do not have to upload any media. The Pull Zone uploads the media to the CDN servers as soon as it is required. Read more on Pull Zones here: http://wiki.netdna.com/FAQ/Pull_Zones

Below, I've listed some links for you to see where some of the providers keep their centres:

I hope this post has inspired you to take a look at the CDN solutions available for Joomla. I won't use it for every site I build, but I definitely will use jomCDN for some of the sites that have an international audience.

TIP: If you don't want to do the setup of this plug-in yourself, ask these guys for help.

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